are pomeranians hypoallergenic

Are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic?

Pomeranians are very friendly dogs. They are not reactive toward humans or other dogs. Most Pomeranians are not prone to getting fleas. These are very smart dogs that love to play and be with people.

The main problem with Pomeranians is that they are not hypoallergenic dog breeds. So, they are not suitable for allergy sufferers. The most common causes of Pomeranian allergies are food, inhalant, flea, and dust. 

In this blog, we will explain a few facts concerning Pomeranians and allergies and go through ways to stop yourself from being allergic to Pomeranians.

So, Let’s start reading about Are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic?; 

Pomeranians Dogs Breed

The Pomeranian is one of the most famous dog breeds around the world. The American Kennel Club reports that approximately 1.85 million Pomeranians are registered.

Pomeranians are very adorable, and they are known to be intelligent. Pomeranians are very small dogs and only weigh between 3 and 7 pounds. They have a very long tail and can grow up to 35 inches.

They come in various colors, such as black, cream, red, white, and blue. Their color will vary according to the color of their coat. The coat of Pomeranians is long and soft. 

It can look silky and smooth or curly and fluffy. They have a thick, fine double coat on them. Pomeranians are born with soft, thick fur. Their fur gradually gets thicker and thicker. 

The Pomeranians shed twice a year. Pomeranians are generally easy to train, and they can be good watchdogs. Their energy level is high, and they love to explore new things.

What is a Hypoallergenic dog breed?

A hypoallergenic dog causes fewer allergic reactions than other breeds. Two different types of allergies can occur with pets. These include allergies to the animal itself and the pet’s hair. Hypoallergenic dogs breed cannot cause any type of allergic reactions to their owners because they don’t shed as much.

Are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic?

The Pomeranian breed is not known to be a hypoallergenic dog breed. People allergic to animals usually have to avoid poms because they can cause severe allergies.

People who are allergic to pets have a harder time sleeping because they are anxious that they might be sick if they get too close to the animal. In addition, they can have a harder time breathing and getting a good night’s sleep.

You should opt for a dog that won’t annoy you if you have a dog allergy. Finding a hypoallergenic breed dog is one method to avoid allergies.

What Dog Allergic Reaction Symptoms to Look Out For?

Some of these symptoms include:

  • Your face begins to itch.
  • Your throat starts to get dry.
  • Your nose gets runny.
  • You begin to sneeze a lot.
  • Your eyes start to water.

All these are symptoms you might experience if you are allergic to dogs. After you get in touch with your doctor, you should be able to find out what to do next. 

Do Pomeranians Have a Lot of Dander?

Pomeranians do have a lot of dander, but it isn’t as much as some other breeds of dogs. The amount of dander on a Pomeranian is similar to that on a long-haired breed. You may want to avoid getting a Pomeranian if you are allergic to dogs.

are pomeranians hypoallergenic

How would I be sure that I don’t have a Pomeranian allergy?

The best way to ensure that you aren’t allergic to dogs is to remember that it’s not just the dog’s coat that can affect your allergies. A dog’s scent and saliva also carry allergens that could set off an allergic reaction. 

This includes the odor of their breath, carried through the air by the wind. Dogs have a different sense of smell than we do, so they can carry more allergen particles around than we realize. 

You can also keep track of your allergy symptoms. Are you getting a runny nose, or do you need to use your inhaler? It’s time to consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

You should also consult your doctor about whether or not you are allergic to any particular type of dog. This will help the doctor to be able to find out what exactly you are allergic to. Your doctor may also ask you for a skin test to discover allergies. 

Methods for decreasing Pomeranian Allergens

  • You can control allergies by using allergy relief products. Your doctor may prescribe one for you. There are many over-the-counter options available. If you want to avoid taking prescription drugs, you should try one of these remedies.
  • It would help if you washed your hands before petting your Pomeranian. This will assist in lessening the potential of your Pomeranian being unwell. You can use hand sanitizers or disinfectants to clean your hands to reduce the risk of allergies.
  • You can also avoid touching your Pomeranian if he is licking his nose. This is because your dog’s tongue contains bacteria, and he could transfer the bacteria to your hands.
  • You should make sure that you give your Pomeranian fresh water and food. He should also take outside to play in the sunshine. This can help to keep his skin healthy.
  • To minimize your dog’s dander, avoid exposing yourself to it. You can try to limit the time you spend near your dog. For example, if you want to be with your dog during the day, you should consider doing this outside your home. You can also consider adopting a smaller dog, like a Chihuahua or Maltese. These two types of small dogs are known to produce less dander than larger breeds. 
  • The main way to reduce dog allergens is to keep your pet’s hair short. It is possible to trim your pet’s fur regularly to help reduce the number of allergens. If you have a Pomeranian, you can buy a special brush to help remove dirt from the coat.
  • You can use a grooming tool, and be sure to clean the brush regularly to keep your pet’s coat in tip-top shape.
  • You can also purchase a vacuum cleaner that has a special filter. This will help to catch dust particles. You can put the vacuum cleaner in a room where your Pomeranian sleeps and clean the room regularly. This will help to make your Pomeranian feel more comfortable and happier. 
  • Some people may find that their dog has allergies due to a food intolerance rather than an allergy to an environmental allergen. This means that your dog is not allergic to pollen or other allergens. Instead, he reacts to certain foods that you eat. You can treat him if this is the case by feeding him hypoallergenic dog food.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Pomeranians allergy-free dogs?

Pomeranians are very sensitive to environmental allergens. Therefore, they are inappropriate for those with allergies or other skin disorders. However, they can serve as good family pets if you have no allergic reactions.

What are the downsides of having a Pomeranian?

Pomeranians are adorable. They make good house pets and are generally quiet, cuddly, and friendly. But they can be highly sensitive and have issues around separation. You must thus constantly handle them with care and never leave them alone. They can even be destructive if they sense danger, so be vigilant around them.

Are Pomeranians shedders?

A Pomeranian can shed, yes. This happens as their undercoat matures and becomes longer and thicker.

Is Pomeranian high maintenance?

Pomeranians are generally known for their high grooming needs, as they can easily lose a lot of hair. So, they require daily brushing to maintain their coat.

How long does a Pomeranian live?

Most Pomeranians live approximately 11 years. Feeding them enough food and water throughout their lifespan is crucial to preventing health issues.

Are teddy bear Pomeranians hypoallergenic?

Teddy bear Pomeranians are not known to be hypoallergenic. Pomeranian dogs have a soft coat and are generally less prone to allergies than other dog breeds. They’re also less aggressive and usually have various health problems, such as hip dysplasia, cataracts, and heart murmurs.

Do Pomeranian dogs smell?

Pomeranian dogs smell mostly due to their coat. They tend to smell a lot more than other breeds. It’s impossible to determine how bad a Pomeranian’s odor is by looking at them. To determine their odor, you need to feel it.

Do Pomeranians need to be walked every day?

According to our veterinarians, it is important to walk your Pomeranian daily. It helps promote physical activity and provides mental stimulation too. Plus, when they are older, they tend to develop joint problems if they don’t get the necessary exercise.

Can you leave Pomeranian alone?

Yes, a Pomeranian dog can stay alone while you’re away at work or school. It will still require feeding and water, so ensure that you feed the dog regularly and give it plenty of clean water.

Does Pomeranian bark a lot?

Pomeranians bark a lot. It’s the only thing they do. They also tend to bark at people who are unfamiliar with them. Pomeranians are usually friendly and will make friends with most people. However, they have a reputation for strong territorial defense. Ensure you keep their leash on so they feel secure in a strange setting.


Almost 10% of all dogs in the United States are Pomeranians, making them one of the largest popular dog breeds. But unfortunately, they are often sensitive to some common allergens. Knowing how to avoid these allergens will make it easier to keep your pom out of the doghouse and out of an asthma attack.

The best way to protect your pom from allergies is to avoid exposing him to common allergens. It would be excellent if you also asked your veterinarian for specific information on these breeds and allergies to avoid the risk of allergies.

Do you have any other advice for people with Pomeranian allergies? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Michael Travis

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